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If you need expert ecological advice, then Biodiverse Environmental is for you!
Our Ecologists and Environmental Scientists have a broad range of ecological knowledge, expertise and experience, particularly in southeast and central Queensland.
Our ecological services include (but are not limited to):
- Flora and fauna surveys (including thermal aerial surveys – UAV)
- Fauna habitat assessment and restoration
- Vegetation assessment and restoration
- Surveys and assessment of impacts on Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
- Timed meander surveys for protected plants by suitably qualified persons in adherence with Queensland guidelines
- Ground truthing Regional Ecosystem and Protected Plants mapping
- Conducting Bushland Operational Assessments (BOA) and providing BOA mapping and Regeneration Works Plans
- Biocondition and habitat quality assessments
- Bushfire assessment and planning
- Aquatic ecology surveys and Impact Management Plans
- Flying-fox monitoring and development of Flying-fox Management Plans
- Nest box supply, installation and monitoring
- Weed management
- Community engagement
- Using native bees for pollination