Bridge Upgrade Fauna Services

Biodiverse Environmental was engaged to undertake fauna spotter catcher works for Gympie Regional Council in early 2022, during the bridge upgrade at Glastonbury Creek Road, Glastonbury.

Pre-clearance surveys were carried out each day, by one of Biodiverse Environmental’s fauna spotter catchers, who was also present at all times during the works. The purpose of these surveys was to locate any fauna breeding places and any potential habitats; and to capture and relocate any fauna that might be impacted by the works. The fauna spotter catcher was also present for the infrastructure decommissioning to inspect all habitat features before and during clearing; and to capture any fauna that was present. Captured fauna was quickly relocated to suitable habitat out of the clearing boundaries.

During the bridge upgrade works, six fauna species were identified, captured and relocated to suitable habitat. Over 21 habitat features were also recorded within the site, during the pre-clearance surveys and while the work was occurring.