Proud Contributors to the Beerburrum to Nambour (B2N) Railway Upgrade Project

About the project and Stakeholders

Biodiverse Environmental was engaged to undertake the environmental management of the Beerburrum to Nambour (B2N) Rail Upgrade on the Sunshine Coast, during the early works, pre-clearing and clearing phases of the project.

The scope of the B2N project includes rail duplication between Beerburrum and Landsborough, road upgrades, railway realignment works and other infrastructure improvements.

Our contribution

Fauna Surveys

Biodiverse Environmental’s team of fauna spotter catchers conducted pre-clearance surveys of the Beerburrum and Landsborough sites prior to the demolition of multiple structures and clearing of vegetation. Due to the properties being vacated for so long prior, there was substantial habitat present, in the form of overgrown grass, vegetation, pooling water and abandoned structures.

The team conducted a targeted trapping and fauna spotter catching schedule to capture and relocate as many native fauna species as possible to suitable nearby habitat, before the demolition and clearing works commenced.

Elliot traps were placed to capture small mammals

Our fauna spotter catchers provided fauna management services during the clearing process of the project.

During the pre-clearing and clearing phases, our fauna spotter catchers managed to capture and safely relocate over 50 native animals, including native rodents, dasyurids, snakes, possums and gliders.

Biodiverse’s fauna management team also relocated over 150 individuals of various native fish, turtle and eel species to a nearby waterway during this project, as a large dam was also dewatered during the works.

Two baby Bush Rats (Rattus fuscipes) were captured during fauna surveys

Baseline Weed Surveys and Treatment

Ecologists from Biodiverse Environmental conducted comprehensive baseline weed surveys to determine the presence of any weeds and restricted invasive plants within the planned development corridor prior to works commencing.

During the survey, Biodiverse ecologists identified 88 species of weeds within the development area, including in problematic areas where weeds may be negatively impacting native fauna.

The information obtained through the baseline weed surveys was to be used to gauge weed control measures that were to be implemented throughout the construction and monitoring phases of the project. This information would also be utilized as a comparison tool for weed presence over time.

A pre-clearance weed survey was also undertaken with particular reference to koalas, which may be impeded by potential weed incursion following the clearing works. The results of this weed survey informed our weed management crew of the pre-existing weed species that may affect koalas, and helped to determine the actions that the team would then undertake for weed treatment in the area.

Following the weed surveys, the weed control works were undertaken by Biodiverse Environmental’s experienced bush regeneration team, with the entire rail footprint being traversed and treated for all listed weeds.

A 90% reduction in listed weed species was achieved with the first treatment. This outcome resulted in the beginning of the duplication project and met all the required biosecurity milestones for the client and relevant government agencies. 

A follow up weed survey was also to be conducted one year later to determine the extent of weed incursion following completion of the construction, which would allow any further weed treatment recommendations to be made.

Blue Morning Glory (Ipomoea tricolor) and Lantana (Lantana camara) form a dense layer, potentially restricting the movement of Koalas and Flying Foxes