Biodiverse Environmental were engaged to provide fauna management services within the suburb of Peregian Springs, Sunshine Coast. Works at the site involved the removal of two Corymbia intermedia (Pink Bloodwood) trees, which were deemed to be a safety hazard.

A thorough pre-clearance assessment was conducted of the hazardous trees and the surrounding vegetation prior to any clearing to identify any fauna or habitat present. A fauna spotter-catcher from Biodiverse Environmental was present for all clearing activities to capture and relocate any fauna identified during the work.

During the vegetation clearing works, the fauna spotter-catcher recovered two Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) eggs. The eggs were released to a local wildlife carer (WILVOS) for incubation. The eggs were to be incubated with the carer and the subsequent hatchlings cared for until ready for release.

To offset the clearing of the two Corymbia intermedia trees, Biodiverse Environmental installed six hardwood nest boxes within the retained vegetation, as well as planting several other native flora species in the area. The nest boxes installed at the site are designed to home different native fauna species, including small parrots, small glider species, brushtail possums and several microbat species.